Saturday, 20 December 2008

Ho ho ho

It's nearly Christmas and as always our past weeks have been full of various Christmas activities. The girls had a Christmas party the other week and managed to see Santa for a pressie. Hannah really wanted her present but wasn't quite so sure about getting too close to Santa !!

Friday, 28 November 2008

Lucy's Birthday Parties

On Saturday 22nd November Lucy had her birthday party with her friends. 12 of them went to Pottery Pals where they each painted some pottery and then had birthday lunch. Here are a few photos of them at work and the final results.

Afterwards Lucy had the Robins family round for birthday tea with special guest Cousin Max who they met for the first time.

Lucy's 10th Birthday

On Tuesday 18th November Lucy was 10 !! She had many presents before going to school and then chinese and cake with the whole family to celebrate finishing off with a new board game.

Katie becomes a Brownie

Now onto real time.

On Wednesday 12th November Katie was enrolled as a Brownie. She had to recite her promise and the Brownie law and did very well. It reminded me of many years ago going to Mimi's Brownie enrollment !! This time we didn't sing Alice the Camel, but we did at Lucy's !!

The last family

The last of the Robins family with Granny & Grandad.

Cousin Jack

And our latest addition Cousin Baby Max

Family pics

Auntie's, Uncle's, Second Cousins etc.

Dominic, Daddy, James, Badger, Phil & Steve. Sally, Helen, Mimi, Baby Lucy and Peej

God Uncle Steve Auntie Sally & Uncle Yike

Auntie Mimi & Uncle Callum (+bump)

Uncle Peej and Auntie Mel

The extended Robins clan

Now for the Robins family and the extensions. Gran and Grandad Jack.

Big Grannie

Uncle Gordon and Auntie Pauline

Auntie Mea and Uncle Julian

Auntie Una

More Family - The Daniels'

Now for more Daniels family. The girlie cousins Holly, Lucy, Charlotte & Katie.

Uncle J & cousins Holly, Luke & Josh

Mad Uncle Drew

Uncle Drew & Auntie Val

Sunday, 23 November 2008


A selection of pictures from all the family related to the Robins girls. Starting with the Daniels side of the family. Great Auntie Viv, Grandpa, Grandma & Uncle Chris


Grandma & Grandpa

Great Grandpa Tom

Auntie Betty & the girls

Hannah's cute & silly pics

Some more of all of them.

More Katie cute & silly

Plus another of Lucy's.