Wednesday, 16 September 2009

Katie's Party

Finally to end Katie's weeks of birthday she had her party with her school friends at Pottery Pals on Sunday. Lots of fun was had painting there potteries that looked lovely.

Grandpa's 70th Birthday

Last week Grandpa was 70 and we celebrated with a lovely family lunch at the Castle in Hurst followed by cake at Grandma's. As the family were altogether looking nice we also updated the family portraits (although the photographer had a little too much to drink).

Tuesday, 1 September 2009

Katie's Birthday

Katie was 8 on Bank Holiday Monday so we had a lovely day out. After opening and enjoying her presents in the morning we met up with some friends in the park for picnic and play in the afternoon and walked to the pub for supper. What a lovely day we had, with amazing weather especially for Katie.
Katie had a lovely new stereo and a tent as her presents from us.


This weekend has been one party after another. Firstly the Daniels' came round to celebrate Katie's birthday and then on Sunday was Jack and Katie's celebration with the Robins'

Jack's present a bootball goal and a basket bootball net, loads of fun was had !! Lucy also chose Jack a roly pig as he loves Lucy's roly hedgehog and loves pigs. This was named Daddy pig (snort)


Our lovely garden has been wonderfully watered during the summer and our sunflowers have grown huge. They are now up to the upstairs window and have just got their heads on to flower. I took photos of them with Hannah to show how big they have got. Katie also grew sunflowers but they haven't grown quite so big but she did win the sunflower competition at Brownies.