Saturday, 24 July 2010

Hannah's sunflowers

Hannah has been growing her sunflowers this year and planted them as seeds and has watched them grow. This is her biggest sunflower currently 2.6m high and not yet with a flower.

The whole sunflower garden

Hannah's sunflower planted at school.

Garden update

The garden has been growing nicely thanks to lots of watering by all the family and some kind weather. Our veggie patch which will soon produce - sweetcorn, tomatoes, cucumber, carrots, strawberries & Parsnips.
Our runner beans are beginning to flower and are ready to produce and the hanging strawberries have had one crop already.

The potatoes have started to be picked and eaten, very nice.

Our first strawberry !!

And our first crop of potatoes.


After looking after them for a few weeks we finally let the butterflies go. We had 10 delivered to us and had 10 butterflies to release, unfortunately two had damaged wings and probably didn't make it very far. We have since seen painted lady butterflies in the garden and wonder if they were ares.

It was great fun sitting and waiting for the butterflies to realise the lid was off and that they were free.

Very proud Mummy of her butterflies. What shall we have next ??

Year 6 celebreations

Finally after what seems like a very long term Lucy has finished St Teresa's. However the last few weeks have been the best she has had and has many memories to take with her.

Firstly the Year 6 Production. It was a fabulous version of Oliver called 'Olivia'. Lucy was an orphan and a member of the ghost gang. Loads of fun was had by everyone.

All the kids in the playground yesterday at the end of the last day in school.

They then had a party at Barkham Village Hall with music and a bouncy castle.

All the parents who hopefully will all remain close friends.

On Wednesday they had their own disco at school. Lucy went as a geek - after raiding Daddy's wardrobe !! They had a fabulous evening with cocktails to start (non-alcoholic !!) and a chocolate fountain and loads of singing and dancing.

And traditionally the children go round school getting pupils and staff to sign their school shirts as a momento of their time in school.

Lucy's school teacher who has been amazing and will be missed.

And great friends who we will keep in touch with.

And finally their cake for their celebrations.
Now onto the next step of Senior School !!

Monday, 19 July 2010

Big Girl School

My big girl is growing up !! Recently she had two days at St Crispin's School where she had a lovely time. We have now bought the uniform so had to try it all on and take photos, didn't sob too much!! Will save those tears for this week when we have a leavers mass at school and an end of term party with all her friends. It does seem weird her wearing the same tie as I did, and I even had Mr Williams my geography teacher do a talk at the parents meeting.