Friday, 10 February 2012


And after a very long week of panto the snow came. The kids had a great time in it at the after show party and still had energy at 11pm to run around in the snow outside the house.

And then a few days later more snow !!

After school we went to the field to have a run around in the snow and make patterns. Katie made a spiral

Hannah made a track

And Lucy made a snow angel

And then a quick run down the slope outside the house

The view from the upstairs first thing in the morning.

Panto Time

Oh no it isn't !!! Yes the panto has come and gone again with much fun and enjoyment from Katie and Martin (and the rest of us who watched it). It was Katie's first time as a knight with her friends from school and Martin easily played the part of a slimy, horrible character called Grim!!

Martin looking rather victorious having thrown a custard pie in the wicked witches face and become a much nicer character. Unfortunately on the last show the witches didn't like him throwing custard pies every night so got him back with not one but two pies in the face !!

The whole cast

Katie looking very 'knightish' especially with her curly moustache done by me !!

Katie and her knight friends

Viking Day

Recently Katie's year celebrated a Viking Day as the end to their topic work. Katie dressed as a Viking and made a helmet and sword to take to school to add to the shield already made especially for the battle that they had.