Saturday, 19 January 2013


Well finally the snow arrived and caused chaos for a bit. Fresh in the morning Martin went out for some snowy shots.

We always end up with mini snowmen on top of out fence posts.

This gives you an idea of just how thick it really was.

Not really much room for food for the birds.

Not to be recommended going down the slide !

Hannah being a good girl and helping to clear all the snow.

Of course we all do.

Daddy and Hannah played a game of noughts and crosses on the table, Hannah won !!

Festive Day Out

During the Christmas Holidays we decided to visit Chessington again, this time to see just the zoo.

There were many shows so we saw the Sealions

Warmed up on the Bubbleworks ride

Saw the Penguins being fed

We went to the Condor talk which was really interesting.

We arrived to see the Tigers being fed, waited for the masses to disappear and then saw the Lions pacing around waiting for their food too.