Tuesday, 1 June 2010

Sports Day

Last Tuesday on a lovely warm sunny day the girls took part in the school Sports Day. It was Lucy's last one but I am sure she was not sad about that !!!
Lucy below took part in a relay race, dribbling the football race (Lucy of course was brilliant at this - not), the traditional sack race and javelin. Lucy's team St Patricks did not do very well.

Katie also took part in the relay race and shuttlerun race. St Patricks did a lot better in Katie's class, unfortunately due to lack of numbers Katie was not in the St Patrick's team and had to run for the opposition St Andrews!!

Hannah had a lovely time taking part in her first full sports day. You can see her stickers on her T-Shirt with a first and second on them.

Carefully concentrating on balancing the bean bag on her head !!

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