Tuesday, 30 August 2011

Tooth Fairy

The tooth fairy has been very busy in our house recently. Firstly Daddy had a wisdom tooth removed then Lucy bravely had 6 teeth removed and thus had to have a visit from the tooth fairy. Hannah then went on a tooth loosing spree. Her first top tooth was assisted by Lucy hitting her in the face, knocking the tooth out and Hannah swallowing it !!
The next top tooth after a few days of struggling to eat with a wobbly tooth came out whilst we were on holiday. Thankfully we had a tooth fairy hole by her bedroom door. However Hannah felt the tooth was a little dirty to give the tooth fairy and thus tried washing it but managed to drop it down the sink. As luck would have it a great idea from Auntie Sally meant that Hannah wrote a beautiful letter to the tooth fairy and resulted in a euro being left for the missing tooth (which I believe was then lost !!)
Finally on our last day of the holidays Hannah then lost her wobbly bottom tooth but this time was carefully looked after and was left for the tooth fairy.
Phew lets hope we keep our teeth for a little longer to enable the tooth fairy to save up again.

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